"Oh that you would rend the Heavens and come down,

that the mountains would tremble before you!"  

- Isaiah 64:1

We are excited to host a 24 hour prayer night on Friday, January 24th beginning at 6p and ending Saturday at 6p.  This event is open to everyone! We hope to inspire a deepening and enriching prayer experience during corporate and private times of worship and intersession.  We will kick off the event with a corporate time of worship from 6p-7p and offer a number of live worship experiences all throughout the night. Feel free to come for a single session or as many as your schedule will allow.  We will post the live worship sessions available as they update.
Come and experience God through prayer in a whole new way!
We will celebrate together as a church family in our closing session of corporate worship on Saturday at 5p.  We hope you will join us!
(Nursery and childcare will not be provided for the duration of the event.)

For further questions or if you would like to lead a live worship session, contact Pastor Jason at jgawel@tracycommunitychurch.com
Click the link to view the Live Worship Schedule for the Event!
(Subject to change.)