"But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, 'How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!" Romans 10:14-15
At TCC we believe that we have a special opportunity and mandate to partner with missionaries and spreading the message of Jesus all over the world. We are proud to support several missionaries both through prayer and finances. Your giving helps us to do this and makes you a partner with our missionaries, too!
Below are the names of most of the missionaries we support (sensitive areas not included). Please pray for our missionaries. You can also help financially by designating "missions" through one of giving methods.
Mark Brown -Philippines
Todd Churchill - Africa
Stephen Evans - Zimbabwe
Kim Harvey - Community Chaplain
Augustin Jorquez - Native American Missions
Robin Malcolm - Togo
Benjamin McClure - Pen Asia
Ronald Mueller - Angola
Delonn Rance - Latin America
Henry Smith - Ecuador
Scott Smith - Spain
Joel Corbin - Africa
Things to Pray For:
Health & Safety
Their Families
Financial Provision
At TCC we believe that we have a special opportunity and mandate to partner with missionaries and spreading the message of Jesus all over the world. We are proud to support several missionaries both through prayer and finances. Your giving helps us to do this and makes you a partner with our missionaries, too!
Below are the names of most of the missionaries we support (sensitive areas not included). Please pray for our missionaries. You can also help financially by designating "missions" through one of giving methods.
Mark Brown -Philippines
Todd Churchill - Africa
Stephen Evans - Zimbabwe
Kim Harvey - Community Chaplain
Augustin Jorquez - Native American Missions
Robin Malcolm - Togo
Benjamin McClure - Pen Asia
Ronald Mueller - Angola
Delonn Rance - Latin America
Henry Smith - Ecuador
Scott Smith - Spain
Joel Corbin - Africa
Things to Pray For:
Health & Safety
Their Families
Financial Provision